пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

eternal arcadia music

I have been without the internet for a week Lochlan� kicked my laptop off the couch and broke the charger cord and the thing doesnapos;t hold a charge for more than 5 minutes so I had to go without till the new part came. Thank goodness� i was so out of touch.

Yesterday I had my first prenatal with the midwives. It was an hour of chatting and going over my health history. Then Sarah the apprentice palpated for my fundus and found it (I hadnapos;t been able to find it yet and was a bit concerned) then we did the doppler and found the heartbeat How incredibly reassuring I donapos;t know why but in my head I�had worked myself up that this pregnancy wasnapos;t viable.� Maybe it
was all the miscarriages happening in my DDC at MDC. I donapos;t know. I have certainly been sick enough for it to be real. Still battling it at nearly 13 weeks� So the heartrate was 160 bpm. I recall Lochlans being aroun 135ish so I am suspecting that if the wives tales ring true that I may be having a girl.�I certainly donapos;t want to get my hopes up though. Iapos;d love to have one of each. We cannot decide on a boys name still. So that would be easy if we had a girl I am planning and ultrasound and itapos;ll be scheduled right around thanksgiving. I canapos;t wait to find out so I can plan ahead.

Iapos;ve been pretty bored lately. I donapos;t have enough to fill my time out here in the country. Now that its getting colder and has been rainy its hard to get outside. We try to take walks in the afternoon. Oh, a new development is that Lochlan is no longer napping. Heres the story: We got a new car (LOVE�IT Its a VW�Tiguan and I canapos;t say enough wonderful things about it) and since we live rurally now we have to watch the mileage since its a lease so the mid day nap cruises went bye bye. Lochlan will NOT nap any other way. I�have tried a multitude of things and nothing will settle him down. At first he was crashing on the couch at 5 but I have managed to extend it so that he is going to bed at 7 now. Which is better than 9:30 or 10. It is nice having time in the evening to myself but it sure is a long day without that nap. And then usualy Lochy is in bed by the time Nick is done with work so they only get to see each other at dinnertime (Nick breaks for dinner at 6 and then goes back to work)

So...... I am really feeling the fatigue. Seems like the first trimester was mostly just nausea and now its massive eye crossing body numbing fatigue. I usually have to either drink coffee or� nap in the afternoon to make it through the day. I am feeling so jealous that all my friends have their kids in a 2 day /week co-op preschool. I canapos;t wait to do that next fall. I�just donapos;t know how to keep Lochlan entertained all friggin day long. I have been avoiding some of the things that I would normally do.� Like LLL meetings. I just feel like I donapos;t belong there anymore. I missed this mornings meeting. Seems like there are a group of new women going and I�just donapos;t really like them. I also feel weird since I am not nursing Lochlan. I know Iapos;ll be nursing again soon enough and I am so thankful that I weaned when I did because I am actually looking forward to nursing again and not feeling burned out about it.

This weekend I am hoping to gather enough energy to paint our bedroom. I am already feeling nesty. I figure I will be spending a lot of time up there with the new lil one so I may as well have it how I want it. I absolutely hate the upstairs. Its hideous so Iapos;m gonna work my butt off to make it a sanctuary (as much as i can) I am planning a chocolate brown/ baby blue theme with white trim and curtains. Then in the babys corner we will put up a wall mural of a cherry blossom tree and have the white crib and hopefully we can find a glider chair thats not too ugly. And then voila Weapos;ll be ready for the babe.
eternal arcadia music.

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