вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;d like to make Stephanieapos;s (Crockpot 365 heroine and personal crockery inspiration) French Onion Soup tonight. Iapos;ve made heavy meals the past several days and want something a little lighter. I also really, really donapos;t like a lot of chunks in a soup, and this recipe has almost nothing in it.

But therein lies the problem Iapos;m worried that, even though I prefer something completely sippable, my husband will come home for dinner and basically be given hot juice Has to be a happy medium somewhere.

Iapos;m curious, and I come to those more experience with crockery than myself, is there anything else I can add to it that would be tasty, perhaps a little more substantial, without going overboard? Iapos;ve never actually -had- French Onion Soup before, so I wonapos;t be comparing it to anything. Iapos;m not a huge fan of wet bread; maybe cubed chicken instead of toasted bread on top? Any suggestions or comments of, "Doofus, just do it the way youapos;re supposed to" welcome. :P

--2 cans of beef broth
--3 T butter
--2 yellow onions
--1/2 T granulated sugar
--1/4 cup cooking sherry (or dry white wine would probably work)
--1/2 t kosher salt (you might need more if your butter isnapos;t salted)
--slices of brown rice bread (or french bread)
--gruyere cheese (swiss could work too)

The Directions.

--heat your crockpot to high and plop your butter in to start melting
--slice the yellow onions into rings
--break up the onion slices with your fingers, and rub them around in the melted butter
--add the beef broth, sugar, salt, and sherry
--cook on high for 6-8 hours or low for 10-12. It takes a while for the onions to get translucent and pliable

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Just to make an entry.

Last week had an eye appointment, all is well. Right eye hasnapos;t changed, left eye changed only slightly. Both eyes in good health. Dentist appointment followed that and all is well with my teeth. Which is great since I havenapos;t had a cavity for probably 2 years now. Yaay

And um, wow I think thatapos;s it for all I really want to remember. Went to a Do It Best show last Monday for work, I can see how people in the booths would be very bored.

I need to use up vacation time. Soon because Iapos;d like a day off. Hmm.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I still donapos;t know if I have come to terms with breaking up yet. Just talking to Kate in a productive manner brought back numerous emotions. But as I talked to her it really seemed as if I do need to move on because she already had and there is no way I could respark those same emotions in her if I tried. I think that is going to be the hardest part of the whole break up is accepting that it is final. Its a growing experience though, I need to make the absolute best of it to make things better as I continue on, I need to learn as much as I can to make the next relationship I have that much better and successful from the very start. So in a way I am happy but at the same time I am crushed.
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fat contents in milk

Today is the day I was told that my daughter is lying,and she has been doing it a lot in the past week.Unlike her mother, I was not surprised to hear this, because I have been preparing for it.I know that she is no longer a toddler, but a "Big Girl", who rides on the bus with all of the other "big kids", and she is starting school with hundreds of them. A lot of parents under-estimate the impact of being in a school with hundreds of kids,who have been all taught different morals,guidelines, and expectations.When she goes to school, she is experiencing lying with kids around her, not realizing the full effect of what a lie is yet.

Sure,she understands that she upsets you when she tells you a lie.This is a stage, but you must lovingly reinforce that you want her to always be honest with you, and that you are always on her side.

We as fathers need to reinforce that they should talk to us about any and everything.We need to state the need for total honesty between us, and that we retain the right to voice an objection, and will always be on their side in ANY situation.Daughters in particular will be looking to their fathers for enforcement of the rules,but with a different direction that mommy went with�.We need to talk to them about the problem and disagreements with their actions, but not in a condemning way but from a place of love.I want my daughter to talk to me about everything in life,and you should too.I am sure that I will not like some things that she tells me,but at least she told me, which should be our primary goal.

I welcome this "stage" in my daughters life,because it will give me a chance to teach her the security that she has in me, along with comforting me with the fact the she tells me everything.I am going to have a big talk with her about this mistake,and I will make sure that she knows that if you lie to people and betray trust,then they will not like you as much.She needs to know that trust is the most important part in EVERY kind of relationship.And it is very possible that you cannot ever get that trust back again.In my opinion, this revelation to your child is much worse, then putting hot sauce in their mouths.

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I canapos;t sleep... Again. Dammit, i have to work at 9 tomorrow I just took a bath and Iapos;m still not relaxed... I donapos;t even know where to write about... Not about Chris, i donapos;t feel like that, i donapos;t wanna talk about him, heapos;s annoying me atm. Uhmm... Well letapos;s see...

Tomorrow (or should i say today) I have to work from 9 till 5. I already calculated and at the end of the month I am 150 euros richer. Yay

Ok, im gettin kinda tired now.. Iapos;m sorry, tomorrow Iapos;ll try to write a decent blog :)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

eternal arcadia music

I have been without the internet for a week Lochlan� kicked my laptop off the couch and broke the charger cord and the thing doesnapos;t hold a charge for more than 5 minutes so I had to go without till the new part came. Thank goodness� i was so out of touch.

Yesterday I had my first prenatal with the midwives. It was an hour of chatting and going over my health history. Then Sarah the apprentice palpated for my fundus and found it (I hadnapos;t been able to find it yet and was a bit concerned) then we did the doppler and found the heartbeat How incredibly reassuring I donapos;t know why but in my head I�had worked myself up that this pregnancy wasnapos;t viable.� Maybe it
was all the miscarriages happening in my DDC at MDC. I donapos;t know. I have certainly been sick enough for it to be real. Still battling it at nearly 13 weeks� So the heartrate was 160 bpm. I recall Lochlans being aroun 135ish so I am suspecting that if the wives tales ring true that I may be having a girl.�I certainly donapos;t want to get my hopes up though. Iapos;d love to have one of each. We cannot decide on a boys name still. So that would be easy if we had a girl I am planning and ultrasound and itapos;ll be scheduled right around thanksgiving. I canapos;t wait to find out so I can plan ahead.

Iapos;ve been pretty bored lately. I donapos;t have enough to fill my time out here in the country. Now that its getting colder and has been rainy its hard to get outside. We try to take walks in the afternoon. Oh, a new development is that Lochlan is no longer napping. Heres the story: We got a new car (LOVE�IT Its a VW�Tiguan and I canapos;t say enough wonderful things about it) and since we live rurally now we have to watch the mileage since its a lease so the mid day nap cruises went bye bye. Lochlan will NOT nap any other way. I�have tried a multitude of things and nothing will settle him down. At first he was crashing on the couch at 5 but I have managed to extend it so that he is going to bed at 7 now. Which is better than 9:30 or 10. It is nice having time in the evening to myself but it sure is a long day without that nap. And then usualy Lochy is in bed by the time Nick is done with work so they only get to see each other at dinnertime (Nick breaks for dinner at 6 and then goes back to work)

So...... I am really feeling the fatigue. Seems like the first trimester was mostly just nausea and now its massive eye crossing body numbing fatigue. I usually have to either drink coffee or� nap in the afternoon to make it through the day. I am feeling so jealous that all my friends have their kids in a 2 day /week co-op preschool. I canapos;t wait to do that next fall. I�just donapos;t know how to keep Lochlan entertained all friggin day long. I have been avoiding some of the things that I would normally do.� Like LLL meetings. I just feel like I donapos;t belong there anymore. I missed this mornings meeting. Seems like there are a group of new women going and I�just donapos;t really like them. I also feel weird since I am not nursing Lochlan. I know Iapos;ll be nursing again soon enough and I am so thankful that I weaned when I did because I am actually looking forward to nursing again and not feeling burned out about it.

This weekend I am hoping to gather enough energy to paint our bedroom. I am already feeling nesty. I figure I will be spending a lot of time up there with the new lil one so I may as well have it how I want it. I absolutely hate the upstairs. Its hideous so Iapos;m gonna work my butt off to make it a sanctuary (as much as i can) I am planning a chocolate brown/ baby blue theme with white trim and curtains. Then in the babys corner we will put up a wall mural of a cherry blossom tree and have the white crib and hopefully we can find a glider chair thats not too ugly. And then voila Weapos;ll be ready for the babe.
eternal arcadia music.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

education kids jokes

Where is my mind?

i dont know.....

thatapos;s all thatapos;s running through my head right now. Iapos;m so confused. But i keep going. I hope to get out of this slump someday. But i canapos;t guarantee that this will happen soon.

some things to look forward to:
pumpkin carving party at my place
coheed show--- featuring the entire Second Stage Turbine Blade played as the show
Toadies, AGAIN
Dredg--- finally
i might be getting a little girl parrot

and to top it all off, this friday, might be going to see Red Baraat with one of my co workers, and itapos;s pretty close to where we work too.....

i just started writing in my journal again last week. Itapos;s almost at the end of its pages. I need to hurry up and finish writing in it. Too many bad memories in there. This year has not been as good as it should have been. My mom called it. It wasnt the best way to start the year.

but i guess we learn from our lessons.

ok kids, thatapos;s all for now..... I really need to start posting up my pics. Maybe this weekend....
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

asbergers symptom


i did just okay :/ i cleared the promotional criteria, so thatapos;s good. But other than that, i didnapos;t do good.

����� GP- C�� �MATH- B�� �GEOG-B :)���� PHYSICS- S�� �LIT- S�� �CHINESE-(here comes) U�

i might just be the lowest in the level for chinese. Hahaha. Iapos;m NOT from nanyang.

oh wells, at least i cleared farely well. Iapos;m wery happpy with my geog results X) ooh, i looovvve geog. Hah,geeky.

the whole mood in scholl was so sombre today. Its really saddening to see people getting so affected by their results. Iapos;m not rubbing salt into wound. I just dont like the way you have to succeed here in singapore sometimes...

well, something to look forward to. FRIDAY CYCLING woo hoo iapos;ve been wanting to cycle. And sam can cycle on her own now hah, good for you.
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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

blastocyst ivf transfer

�Well what goes up, must come down but Iapos;ll get to that later. I was probably a little bit too excited when I got to the rink this morning. I was keen to work on my own on some choreo for apos;crazyapos; before showing A-M in my lesson. It worked fine and we eventually did a couple of run-throughs with music and after a coupe of small tweaks she said its testable. I wont do the next tests as they are only 6 weeks away, but sheapos;ll put in for January for level 1 elements, level 1 compulsories and level free dance Hope I havenapos;t taken on too much. Iapos;m hoping that doing 3 tests will be better for my nerves as by the time I get to the free dance Iapos;ll have been on twice already and should be a lot more relaxed. I really really like my new free dance. I can feel a new dress coming on...............

The group lesson went of with a bang- or at least I did. Basic backward stroking an the next thing I was going over backwards and watching in slow motion as my feet passed before my eyes. I landed really heavily on my back and bashed my elbow. I felt fine and got straight back up- probably too quickly as I felt a bit wobbly afterwards but I probably needed the fall to calm myself down a bit. We worked a lot on changes of edge again but most of it was a blur as I felt like I had the wind knocked out my sails. It was OK though as we finished with Rumba Choctaw which Iapos;m starting to get. I had a short break before working on jumps and spins for a bit. Then I was a bit naughty as although Iapos;m broke, Tony had a some free time so I had a lesson with him too. I wanted him to put me through level elements so thats what he did. He gave me exercises to do for my still dodgy crossovers before moving on to 3-jump and toe-loop. We missed out spirals as he said mine were lovely : ) : ). I asked him to teach me as I was a newbie so thats what he did. By the time we finished it was looking better, style wise. Its still small but he worked out what I was doing wrong ndash; namely over-rotating before and after. He had me jumping on a straight line and checking the arm which meant a much more controlled landing. Toe-loop was the same. He said the reason Iapos;m scared is because Iapos;m more likely to slip off the toe pick if Iapos;m facing forwards. Heapos;s absolutely right By apos;toe-waltzingapos; it Iapos;m making it harder for myself. We worked on my arms a lot and its given me plenty to work on. We finished with spins- upright anyway, which he said was fine but gave a me a pointer for the free foot which resulted in a faster more centred spin. It was an awesome (long) lesson and even when weapos;d finished he still gave me a sculling exercise to do to improve the under-push on my crossovers. Ironically is was when I was writing his cheque that I realised I was getting a migraine and had to make a sharp exit before my vision was too impaired to drive. I only lost 10 minutes but I wanted to practice what apos;d learned with Tony. Ah well Roll on Thursday, I have my work cut out if Iapos;m going to do 3 tests ; )

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